To dump the global environment and grep for a variable of interest (for example,
DISTRO_FEATURES), use the following command:
$ bitbake -e | grep -w DISTRO_FEATURES
Optionally, to locate the source directory for a specific package recipe such as BusyBox, use
the following command:
$ bitbake -e busybox | grep ^S=
You could also execute the following command to locate the working directory for a
package or image recipe:
$ bitbake -e
BitBake offers the devshell and devpyshell tasks to help developers. They are executed
with the following commands:
$ bitbake -c devshell
$ bitbake -c devpyshell
- To list all the tasks available for a given recipe, with descriptions, we execute the
$ bitbake -c listtasks - If you need to recreate the error, you can force a build with the following:
$ bitbake -f - Or you can ask BitBake to force-run only a specific task using the following
$ bitbake -c compile -f
文档更新时间: 2022-04-19 11:46 作者:suglow